Welcome to GrappleTest, a work in progress game about being a silly cube with a silly grapple!


WASD: Up Left Down Right
Space: Jump
F/E/Left click: Grapple

Basic Mechanics

You can hold jump (or up) while going upwards to reduce your gravity. In simpler terms, hold Jump to go higher.

You can jump twice before needing to touch the ground again. Walking off of a platform will not affect your jumps.

Walk against a wall while in the air to perform a "Wall Slide".

Jumping during a wall slide performs a wall jump

Grapple hooks pull you towards where they landed. You have slight control of your vertical velocity.

Slightly Less Basic Mechanics

Jumping twice & holding goes higher than 2 evenly spaced double jumps.

Holding up during a wall slide slows your descent, holding down during a wall slide quickens your descent.

Holding in the direction that your wall jump sends you gives you speed (1.5x default speed)

Holding down when performing a wall jump performs a "Long Wall Jump" which goes faster but less high (2x default speed)

As long as you're moving in the same direction as your speed, you will not lose it until you touch the ground.

Upon touching the ground with extra velocity, you have a ~5 frame window to jump before your velocity starts going down.

Jump during a grapple to cancel it.

Grapple hook projectiles inherit your velocity, you can use this with the long wall jump to scale longer gaps with the grapple.

Firing your grapple and then pressing S will allow you to launch yourself upwards. (Tech known as the Yoinky Sploinky, symbolized by a quick quater-circular movement followed by extreme vertical velocity.)

Grappling restores both jumps, unless you cancel it with a jump.

Wall jump's vertical speed is additive, so using a grapple and then wall jumping will give extreme height (See "Yoinky Sploinky" Above.)

The speed that grapple pulls you at is normally 1000, but is increased up to 1500 if you had speed when you started the grapple.

For some unknown reason, Grappling with alot of speed to get the full 1500, and then walking on the ground during the grapple pull, and jumping, will allow you to reach speeds of up to 1800+


Windows.zip 23 MB
Linux.zip 20 MB